Meditation center
Job done! Our new altar is bigger, more beautiful and ready for our Diamond Way, Karma Kagjü events. At the same time, we still collect money to settle loans needed for the whole construction.
About the Center

Please, come!
There is always something going on at Trojak retreat place. You are welcome to come during weekdays or weekend courses or you can simply get merit during our regular working weekends.

Get Involved
The center is created by people involved in various Teams and numerous friends who help every now and then. The work never ends and every helping hand is always handy!

Regular Program
Every Tuesday there is 16th Karmapa meditation at 7 pm. You may find updated program in your centre or at the website DW Connect.
Trojak meditation centre is a retreat place for the members of Diamond Way Buddhism, Karma Kagjü. In case of people newly interested in Buddhism, we recommend to visit some of your closest Diamond Way Buddhist centres.


How to contribute
You can send your contribution to the DWB foundation account number:
Payment details:
Send your contributions to our DWB foundation account number: 35-7227740267/0100
or by using IBAN CZ69 0100 0000 3572 2774 0267
Payment reference no.: YYMMDD0106 (date of your birth + 0106)
Comment: surname/GIFT/TROJAK
Send your contributions to our DWB foundation account number: 35-7227740267/0100
or by using IBAN CZ69 0100 0000 3572 2774 0267
Payment reference no.: YYMMDD0106 (date of your birth + 0106)
Comment: surname/GIFT/TROJAK
Account owner:
BDW Endowment Fund
Na Maninach 1288/17a
170 00 Praha 7
QR code of the payment (do not forget to add payment reference number and add your name to the note for the recipient)

Thanks for your generosity!